JSU International Programs

International House

International House student representing Korea

The International House Program began in 1946 with five students from France. Initially, the program focused on languages. Today, there are 40 members of the program - 20 American students and 20 internationals.

Each international student is from a different country and is roomed with an American student. Though emphasis is still placed on languages, greater importance is now placed on the overall aspects of cultural understanding. Truly, the International House Program provides "A Window on the World" for students at Jacksonville State University and the surrounding community.

International Students

International House student representing Korea

International Students from 20 different countries are selected to participate in the International House Programs. International Students accepted to participate are eligible for 'Out-of State Tuition Waiver' and 'Housing Scholarship' for one year provided that students meet the criteria to continue in second semester. Pertinent information concerning the International House Program:

  • 1. Tuition discount.
  • 2. The Scholarship recipient will need funds for transportation to the United States and for the return trip to his/her native country.
  • 3. Students are responsible for their personal, social expenses and for expenses that are not covered by the scholarship.
  • 4. With very few exceptions, international students cannot work. There is very little work on campus for international students, so funds for personal expenses will be necessary.
  • 5. International House members will be expected to spend approximately 5-10 hours per week in forums, seminars, social events, and community groups.

Americans Students

American students are selected by an application and interview process. Download the application here. If you have trouble downloading the application, please contact the International House.

American students usually have a wide variety of majors. Efforts are made so that American students in the program represent the general composition of Jacksonville State University. These students are usually involved in every aspect of college life. Members have been SGA senators, ballerinas, band members, drama students, and members of ROTC, honor societies, professional clubs, and JSU athletics. This diversity provides the international students the opportunity to observe our American culture firsthand.

American students in the program pay for their college expenses. There are no extra fees or charges for membership in the International House Program.

Important Dates

We do not want to miss the opportunity to host you at our campus. Please check important application deadlines information below:


For More information, please visit http://www.jsu.edu/international/international-admissions/graduate.html

Apply Now

International Students

To be considered for participation in the International House, you must already have been accepted to JSU. Once you have received your JSU email and student identification number, please complete this application.

If you are granted one of the merit-based scholarships, your application to the International House will be considered. If your scholarship does not cover all of your expenses, you will have to show proof of financial support to cover the rest of your academic costs.

An application to the International House consists of:

  • 1. Completed and signed application
  • 2. Essay
  • 3. Letters of Recommendation

These should all be emailed to Ellen McNeeley

American Students

Application Form - We accept applications from American students year-round.

If American students are interested, we may contact them between semesters to fill vacancies caused by graduations, etc.

Contact the International House if you have any questions: 256-782-5303

Learn about our other programs

Learn more about our different programs and try to find the one that fits your needs.